

Which withdrawals are eligible for instant?

RTP/FedNow withdrawals usually arrive at your bank within minutes, though fund availability depends on the receiving institution. Withdrawals from your Cash Account are sent using RTP/FedNow when they are:

  • Sent to eligible banks.
  • Submitted by 9:00pm ET, including weekends and holidays.
  • Below your daily transfer limit. Go to make a withdrawal in the app or website to see details.

Recently deposited funds may not be available for withdrawal as deposits can take up to 5 business days to process.

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Please note, Real-Time Payments (RTP) transfers and FedNow instant payment transfers may be limited by destination institutions, daily transaction caps, and by participating entities such as Wells Fargo, the RTP® Network, and FedNow® Service. New Cash Account deposits are subject to a 2-4 business day holding period before becoming available for transfer. Wealthfront doesn’t charge for transfers, but some receiving institutions may impose an RTP or FedNow fee.