529 College Savings Plan
- ★ What is a 529 plan?
- How can I move 529 funds into a Roth IRA?
- How can friends and family contribute to my 529 account?
- Can I use the funds in the 529 account for K-12 education expenses?
- What are the benefits of a 529 plan?
- I’m not a Nevada resident. Can I use the Wealthfront 529 College Savings Plan?
- Who can open a 529 account?
- How will Wealthfront invest my 529 account?
- What fees will I pay for a 529 account?
- Does the 529 account owner have to be related to the beneficiary?
- Who can be a 529 account beneficiary?
- What if the 529 beneficiary receives a scholarship?
- Can I move over another 529 account at a later date?
- How often can I move over a 529 account?
- Is the student required to attend an in-state school to use a 529 plan?
- When can I make withdrawals from my 529 account?
- How do I make withdrawals from my 529 account?
- What if I move to a different state? How does this affect my 529 account?`
- Is paying off a student loan a qualified higher-education expense for 529 plans?
- What if I don't use the money in my 529 account for a qualified higher education expense?
- How do I know which educational institutions are eligible for 529 plans?
- Is my 529 account value updated in real-time?
- Where can I see my investments and the value of my 529 account?
- Are investments in the Wealthfront 529 College Savings Plan guaranteed?
- Can I make an investment change in my 529 account?
- What are the expected benefits of a 529 Plan glide path?
- How did Wealthfront recommend my 529 investment plan and glide path?
- What happens if the 529 beneficiary drops out of school or reduces their full-time status?
- What tax documents should I expect to receive for my 529 account?
- Are my 529 plan contributions subject to federal gift tax?