Path Methodology
- What is Path?
- How can I remove specific linked accounts from my financial plan?
- How do I track an account, asset, or liability in my plan that can’t be linked?
- How does Wealthfront use my linked accounts to help me with financial planning?
- Why has my plan changed? Why have my on track percentages for my goals changed?
- How do I interpret the net worth graph?
- How often does my plan update?
- How does Wealthfront calculate my average savings estimate?
- What assumptions are made about taxes?
- What do you assume about my investment returns?
- Can I specify a different retirement year for myself and my spouse?
- What do you assume about inflation?
- What assumptions are made about credit cards, car loans, and student loans?
- What assumptions are made with housing?
- What assumptions are made with health care expenses?
- Can I add my partner's Wealthfront account to my plan to get a household view of our investments?
- Why do the curves during the drawdown period sometimes go up before going down?
- Why do I see a positive balance at the end of my chart when I am below my goal?
- Can I track my mortgage, loans, credit cards or other liabilities with Wealthfront?
- Are projected return assumptions arithmetic means or geometric means?